Best Friends Fellowship

November 4, 2017, March 3, 2018 and
June 2, 2018
at 4:30 pm
in Cottage B
On three Saturdays, ladies will gather for Best Friends Fellowships (BFF's). BFF's are a gathering of ladies aimed at intimacy and developing relationships with each other and the Lord. These will be times of fellowship, refreshment, opportunity to make new friends and/or deepen friendships. This year our BFF's will include: three nights of spiritual study and growth as we look at our theme for the year "Care" It Forward! BFF is open to all our women and their friends. Childcare provided with advance sign up.
Saturday, November 4, 2017 at 4:30 pm - Our topic will be Hospitality and Verse of Study will be I Peter 4: 9. Loni McGettrick, Lee Simpson and Leila Levesque will be sharing with us. This will be a special time of sharing, learning, and hospitality with our BFF's. Refreshments will be provided; however, you can also bring your favorite snack to share. There is no cost to join us for this evening of study and fellowship. Sign up in advance so we will have enough materials for everyone. Bring your friends. Child care is available with advance sign up. |
Saturday, March 3, 2018 at 4:30pm - Our topic will be from I John 4 - Love and Unity. Kathryn Herty, Leila Levesque & Debbie Labriny will be sharing with us. This will be a special time of contemplation, introspection, and sharing with our BFF's. Refreshments will be provided; however, you can also bring your favorite snack to share. There is no cost to join us for this evening of study and fellowship. Sign up in advance so we will have enough materials for everyone. Bring your friends. Child care is available with advance sign up. |
Saturday, June 2, 2018 at 4:30pm - Susan Lyttek will share with us from Acts 9:36 (Good Works). This will be a special time of considering our reputation for being like Jesus in how we serve others in all the areas of our lives. Refreshments will be provided; however, you can also bring your favorite snack to share. There is no cost to join us for this evening of study and fellowship. Sign up in advance so we will have enough materials for everyone. Bring your friends. Child care is available with advance sign up. |