Mother' Celebration Brunch
Saturday 9:30 am
May 12, 2018
Springfield Hilton |
Mothers and Daughters, Mothers and young sons, and Grandaughters and young grandsons and Sisters and Girlfriends will gather together and enjoy a brunch in the ballroom of the Springfield Hilton on Saturday morning, May 12, 2018. There will be joyful fellowship, delicious food, great music, and entertainment.
Expect music, comedy, and sharing that will touch your heart. This is an extremely child-friendly event that encourages our children to participate. |
The key to motherhood is to impress godly things upon our children by talking about them when we sit at home, when we walk along the road (or drive), when we lie down and when we get up -- basically all the time. This is what godly mothers do. (See Deuteronomy 6:4-9).